Saturday, August 13, 2011

Hiatus and Update

Hello all,

My apologies for not saying anything sooner.  Due to real life and other things going on, I will be going on hiatus with no estimated return date and will no longer be scanlating.  I will still be releasing Chp 9, hopefully within a week or so but that will be the last chapter I will be working on. 

If any other groups are interested in picking up the series, by all means please do.  ^_^

Thanks for reading and enjoying GDG.



  1. It's a pity, but real life is real life and there's nothing we can do about it.
    Best of lucks, man.

  2. Thanks Wylds for scanlating this wonderful manga, this is sad, however we of will continue your work on godagun from now on.. thus we have the chapter 9 release and will be releasing this every 3 or 4 days a chapter..
    good luck in your endeavor in life.. Go da gun will live and we will finish what you started.. thanks!
